Enrollment Ages
Toddler Room (ages 1 year 9 months - 2 years 8 months by September)
Lower Preschool (ages 2 years 9 months by September)*
Upper Preschool (ages 3 years 7 months - 5 years by September)*
After School Toddler Program (ages 1 year 9 months - 2 years 8 months by September)
After School Language Programs (ages 2 years 9 months - 6 years by September)*
After School 2 or 3 Day Mandarin Immersion Program for Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
*age range will vary year to year depending on enrollment
CES works collaboratively with a number of different agencies, public and private, as well as renowned experts in areas of child development, including a child development specialist, speech and language pathologist, and child psychologist. Our teaching faculty receives ongoing training and consultation by experts in the field. We welcome specialists and therapists into our classrooms to provide special support services to children during school hours.