About History


1981 | Our Founding

Cambridge-Ellis School was established as an independent, non-profit school located at St. James Episcopal Church in Cambridge. The initial program consisted of three classes but quickly grew. Soon we were on the lookout for a new, bigger and more permanent space.

1987 | Finding a Forever Home

Cambridge-Ellis moved into the building we now call home, at 80 Trowbridge Street in Cambridge. The larger space allowed us to introduce two toddler classrooms, three preschool classes, and a Kindergarten room.

1996 | The Language Program Begins

After extensive research and with the help of the Foreign Languages and Linguistics Department at MIT, we started our afternoon Mandarin Immersion Program. The following year, we added Spanish and French classrooms.

2003 | The Ann Murphy Artisan Program

This program honors the life and work of Ann, a beloved CES teacher, assistant director, and friend. Endowed by Ann in 2003, the Program seeks to connect CES children to the community through the arts. Its mission is to support the engagement of qualified artisans with the children, faculty and parents of Cambridge-Ellis School.

2007 | Redesigning our Preschool Outdoor Space

One of our outdoor playground spaces was redesigned to incorporate the two beautiful oak trees into a wooden play structure that evokes images of a tree house. The redesign also added a sand pit, playhouse structure, water pump, swings, monkey bars, and a large soft top area.

2007 | New Partnerships

A Sister School Partnership and Cultural Teacher Exchange Program is formed with St. James Preschool in Taiwan. Each summer CES sends two teachers to St. James Preschool and they send one teacher to spend the school year at CES.

2021 | 40 Years of Learning

Cambridge-Ellis School celebrates it's 40th Anniversary!

"Our heritage and ideals, our code and standards – the things we live by and teach our children – are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings."

— Walt Disney