Elisabeth Guenette

Official Title:

Language Program Director

At CES since





M.Ed Institut Supérieur de Formation de l’Enseignement Catholique de Toulouse

B.A. Muhlenberg College


The seeds of my love for languages were planted at an early age through exposure to French songs and expressions from family members. My curiosity and interest in languages, cultures, and education continued to grow as I studied French and Primary Education in college before moving to Toulouse, where I, over the course of three years, taught English, pursued a Master’s Degree in Primary Education at a French University, and taught 4th grade (CM1). Back in the US in 2018, I found my home at Cambridge-Ellis, a place where all the beliefs I held about best practices in education truly come to life, and where languages and cultures mix together in a rich diversity of experiences and language learning. As the Language Program Director, I have the privilege of supporting teachers in building skills through professional development, incorporating DEI learning and best practices in language learning into their curriculum, and helping our diverse learners to blossom. In addition, I focus on the strategic goals and growth of the Language Program, ensuring that we meet the needs of our community for many years to come.